
Fancy Logic


Category: Illustration

Xaxiya Art

Tyla, the owner of Tyla Harrington Art/Xaxiya Art, asked us to help translate her traditional media art into digital versions to be used for various designs and products.  Check out the various projects below!




Tyla sent us this image as well as reference photos to use as the base for the project and served as the line art.  From there we imported the image into illustrator and recreated the major lines with the pen tool. 



Here’s the image drawn into Illustrator with some modifications for clarity.  After we expanded the lines and began to color!

After getting the base colors down, we started to add in highlights, shadows and other little details to really bring these cute dogs to life.  She had these printed on mugs and posters for a baby shower gift.

Other work:

For more about her art check out her social media pages!