
Fancy Logic


The owner of Kollektivnyy Voentorg (KV) contacted us to develop an image he could use as his brand logo and watermark for his storefront. We used original Russian marketplace logos as inspiration and went from there.

This was the initial premise for what KV wanted so we used this as a baseline and began to modify it in illustrator.

We recreated the pin utilizing a series of drop shadows, gradients, strokes, and layers to provide the base for the remainder of the logo. The owner wanted something simple placed below the image mixing a sans-sarif font and a cursive font. He also requested the Facebook link to his storefront be listed.

After some back and forth we slowly came to a style both of us were satisfied in. The fonts required some massaging to work properly together at an italic without looking out of place. Further there was the issue of the angles being at an opposite to the angle of the pin portion and the height of the logo with all of the text.

Ultimately this was the completed version for watermarks, utilizing either a white or black opaque backing for the bottom wording to be legible over busy images.